我们现在是St。. 约瑟夫大学,纽约
4月12日生效, 2022, 纽约州摄政委员会, 以及纽约州教育部, 已经正式授予St. 约瑟夫的大学身份. 这是什么意思?? St. 约瑟夫学院,纽约,现在是澳门皇冠app,纽约!
An historic moment for our more than century-old institution, this marks the beginning of St. 约瑟的 next chapter as a mission-driven institution rooted in the liberal arts tradition that provides a strong academic and value-oriented education at the undergraduate and graduate levels and supports provision for career preparation and enhancement.
While the change of designation will bring many benefits to our community, 学术重点, 圣. 约瑟夫的遗嘱不会改变. We will maintain our commitment to the charism of our founding Sisters, and we will ensure that our close-knit community of scholars and staff members will continue to provide our students with the personal attention and encouragement that is the hallmark of a St. 约瑟的教育.
请和我们一起庆祝这一重大事件. 约瑟的历史.
为什么St. 约瑟夫学院更名为大学?
The 纽约 State Board of Regents amended its definition of University on January 26, 2022, allowing Colleges that provide advanced academic offerings to apply to change their designation. 接近5,000 students and a broad range of undergraduate and graduate programs, 其中学士学位59个, 24硕士学位, 39个双学位和11个高级证书, St. 约瑟的 is already comparable to many regional universities. The designation of University will not only provide us with a higher level of respect, marketability and greater opportunities within the higher education landscape, 无论是国内还是国际, but is also part of the natural upward trajectory of our more than century-old institution.
传统上,大学规模较小, local/regional institutions focused on undergraduate degree programs across a range of academic disciplines. 大学,比如St。. Joseph's are typically larger regional institutions that offer a variety of undergraduate and graduate curricula in the liberal arts and sciences, degrees in two or more professional fields and/or doctoral programs.
这一变化将如何影响St. 约瑟的社区?
这一变化不会影响圣公会的核心原则. 约瑟的教育 — students will still receive the transformational education, 个人的关注和社会的机会, spiritual and professional growth that they have come to expect all at a reasonable cost. 这些核心价值和重新分类将为澳门皇冠app, 纽约有了继续发展的基础, thrive and advance its mission in a highly competitive higher educational environment in service to our surrounding communities.
作为一所大学,圣. 约瑟的 will remain committed to offering a high-quality education at one of the lowest tuition rates of any private higher education institution in the region.
No, the change in designation from College to University will have no impact on your financial aid status, 包装或支付.
Will this change impact my registration for the fall semester or my academic program/major?
No, this will not impact or alter the academic progress of any student.
我正在申请即将到来的学年. 这种状态的变化会影响申请流程吗?
No. All of our admissions criteria and requirements remain the same. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming admissions events this spring and hope you’ll join our community of scholars and learners this fall.
Does the university distinction affect state or federal funding?
这一区别不会改变St. 约瑟夫收到了来自美国的援助.S. 教育部门或纽约州. 然而,它将提高澳门足彩app,纽约, positioning the institution for new funding opportunities from government agencies and programs, 还有私人基金会和捐赠者.
是澳门皇冠app,纽约 adding terminal degrees or additional academic offerings to its curriculum now that it is a University?
一直被称为美国.S. 新闻 & 世界报告中最好的地区大学位于北部,澳门皇冠app,纽约 is continually looking to increase its academic offerings and provide in-demand degree programs that will help students advance their careers and educations. 该大学最近推出了一个新的硕士课程.B.A. 在市场营销, advanced certificate and master’s programs in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and is excited to offer a highly anticipated Master of Social Work (MSW) degree in Fall 2022.
我今年就要毕业了. 我的毕业证书上写的是什么?
对于今年的毕业生来说,你的文凭上可以写St. 约瑟夫学院或圣. 纽约约瑟夫大学,选择权在你.
我可以向St申请新的文凭吗. 约瑟夫大学,纽约 on it, even if I graduated from St. 约瑟的大学?
是的,你可以申请一个新的文凭. More information regarding the process and fees will be forthcoming.
We are in the process of designing and producing new collateral and logoed merchandise as part of this exciting new classification. 更多信息!
是的,校友卡片上写着“圣. “约瑟夫学院”在两个校区仍然有效.
将澳门皇冠app,纽约's athletic programs move up in divisions?
No, we have no plans to change our NCAA Division III status for student athletes at this time.
在澳门皇冠app,纽约 change, and will student athletes be getting new uniforms?
No, the 长岛 Golden Eagles and 布鲁克林 Bears are not changing — they’re just graduating along with the rest of us. New uniforms and apparel with the change in brand will be forthcoming.
网站网址和电子邮件地址会改变吗? 门户和学生计划界面?
是的, we are diligently working on transitioning from College to University with our web URL, 电子邮件地址和其他地方. 请耐心等待,因为这需要一些时间. Information about any future changes will be announced in order to keep the St. 约瑟的会众得知.
将澳门皇冠app,纽约 undergo a rebrand and/or logo change?
这是一个激动人心的时刻. 约瑟的, which gives us an opportunity to do a refresh on the visual and brand assets that help define our wonderful institution. Some of the changes you will see moving forward will be subtle, 而其他人可能会把我们带到一个稍微不同的方向. 我们期待着与您一起踏上这段旅程.